Jolicloud prepares its own netbook

Targeting the youngsters, Jolicloud’s own netbook is starting to take shape. Jolicloud CEO Tariq Krim twetted a few teaser images with the new device and then confirmed officialy that his company is working with a hardware parter to create its own 10.1-inch netbook.
There are not many details about it, but the CEO shared a few with us, like the fact that its netbook will, of course, boot Jolicloud 1.1 and wil be aiming those in the 12 to 25 age range. He also mentioned 720p support, but that is likely to remain just a beta version spec. Apparently, it will cost under $500 and will hit the shelves before the Chrome OS powered netbooks.
 Jolicloud Netbook pack
Jolicloud is an impressive OS, aimed at netbooks. Showcased on a Aspire One 533, the look and feel of the Jolicloud really impressed the tech geeks. Some of its features are Chrome OS like, and it is a app-driven desktop OS, but its speed is incredible.
Jolicloud is Linux based and it is designed to be installed onto existing netbooks without any troubles. It is already finished and it can be installed onto an existing Windows installation or as the main operating system of your netbook.

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